Lorenzo Bacci is a photographer and visual artist based in Milan.
He obtained a BA in Economics from the University of Florence, a Master in Photography and Visual Design from NABA and is currently pursuing an MSc in Cultures of Communication at the University of Milan.
Since 2019 he’s part of the artist duo Bacci | Moriniello, employing a multidisciplinary approach in their research with a specific focus on examining how technology is actively reshaping and altering our perception of reality.
Selected clients and publications include:
Elle Decor, Elle Decoration UK, C41, DOOR La Repubblica, Moncler, QUIRA, L’Espresso, Fondazione Gianfranco Dioguardi, Tenoha, INAF (Astrophysics National Institute)
Research projects | Bacci Moriniello
To get in touch
[email protected]